A Downtown Park – A Concept

Downtown Vision: Devote one corner at the “100% corner” to active public use; a place of immediate, casual observance of youth sports.

Program: The 100% corner [ ] bounded by three block faces of ground floor restaurants and shops in 2-3 story buildings with the upper floors being offices or apartments. The park has:

  1. An athletic field for soccer [High School?], football or free-play w/low bleachers.
  2. A public garden with small amphitheater stage and seating…
  3. Baseball field, little league size or minor league, w/low bleachers: suitable for an ice skating rink or other Winter activities.
  4. Playground.
  5. Parking – grass or paved, access from side streets; doubles for farmers’ market.
  6. Bike/pedways – connectors to close-in neighborhoods

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